Think, Debate, Grow: Philosophy for the Modern Mind

Dive into the depths of philosophical questions and debates, where we address the enduring inquiries about existence, ethics, and the complexities of human thought.

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The Concept of ‘Absurd’ in Camus’s Philosophy

Key Takeaways: Albert Camus, a towering figure in 20th-century philosophy and literature, remains profoundly influential for his exploration of the absurd—a concept...

Nihilism and the Search for Meaning

Key Takeaways: Nihilism, a term that often conjures images of stark emptiness or a grim outlook on life, is a philosophical stance asserting that existence lacks inherent...

The Social Contract: From Hobbes’ Leviathan to Rousseau’s General Will

Key Takeaways: The concept of the social contract serves as a cornerstone in political philosophy, exploring how societies form and maintain governmental authority...

Existence Precedes Essence: Unpacking Sartre’s Vision of Freedom and Responsibility

Key Takeaways: Jean-Paul Sartre, a towering figure in 20th-century philosophy, radically transformed our understanding of freedom and the human condition with his...

Ethical Reflections on War and Peace

Key Takeaways: The incessant drumbeat of war has echoed throughout human history, shaping civilizations and moral philosophies across the ages. The fundamental question...

The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence

Key Takeaways: The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to transform various sectors, significantly altering the landscape of healthcare, finance...